

Soil 透度计 are designed for field and laboratory testing and measure compactness, strength or cohesiveness of soil. 的y were originally developed to determine the soil load bearing capacity for engineering purposes, but now are increasingly used in geotechnical engineering and in agriculture for other uses such as soil mapping. 洪堡的 透度计 are unmatched for accuracy, reliability and ease of use and comply with a variety of testing standards.

Dynamic Cone 透度计 (DCPs) were developed by the Army Corps of Engineers and provide a low-cost, efficient test method for quickly determining the in-situ CBR values of pavement base, 分基和分等级. 双质量穿透仪 can be used for depths from 30 inches to 6 foot and can measure in-place soil shear strength in road constructions with CBR values from less than 0.5 to 100%.

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) was originally developed by George Sowers and is used to determine the penetration resistance relationship with the standard penetration resistance of virgin soils. As with all field tools used in foundation evaluations, this method should never be used as the sole means for determining foundation conditions.

洪堡的 口袋里透度计 for soil is used by field personnel to check visual classification of soils. 袖珍穿透仪, or hand penetrometer can be used to make quick estimates of unconfined compressive strength of cohesive soils, especially in field applications.

普罗克特穿透计套装 can be used to establish the moisture-penetration resistance relations of fine-grained soils per ASTM D1558. 的 set includes nine interchangeable threaded needles.

Proving Ring Penetrometer is a cone type of penetrometer which can be used in a number of applications. It serves as a rapid means for determining the penetration resistance of soils in shallow exploration work. 的 reading obtained in this method maybe correlated to standard or modified compaction data for compaction control in the field.

静锥贯深计 are used to evaluate the geotechnical properties of soil such as soil consistency, level of compaction and bearing capacity of foundations. 洪堡的 静锥贯深计 are specifically designed f或使用 in fine grained, soft soils to depths up to 30 feet.

If you have questions or need help selecting equipment, please call us at 1.800.544.7220或使用我们的 问洪堡 form.


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